Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brown Jelly Disease - or is it?

As any reef aquarist is aware there isn't a huge amount of information available on different types coral diseases... I did a bit of research on the web and after a bit of digging found a few sites with some useful information. I needed to find some information because parts of my torch coral had started to retract their polyps whilst parts were still very healthy looking. I inspected the coral last night and it seemed fine and dandy. I awoke this morning and noticed the following:

* Please note there are a lot of sites on the web which call this brown jelly disease.... i believe that this would be a common name given to this disease process.. the actual cause may be due to some opportunistic protozoans attacking the tissue which may be compromised for some reason

ohh and the brown jelly actually looked more red but that could be due to the actinics ... and it smelled putrid once removed from the tank....

Basically the following 3.....maybe 4 things need to be considered as a cause of this coral deterioration...

1. A black out happened 4 days ago which somehow killed one of my internal pumps - roughly 1500 lph pump .... therefore the flow rate in the tank slowed right down
2. I have started using a reef supplement 3 days ago - Liquid Reef - I doubt this is the cause unless I have overdosed causing some adverse effect

3. The frogspawn which sits directly next to the torch may have stung the torch coral.... possible.... also the fact that the tank had diminished water flow may have caused the effect to be more pronounced so to speak.

4. There are by the looks of things a few crabs living within the skeletal structure of the LPS - I have read that they can burrow into the skeleton for protection.... causing damage..

So i have added a spare 1500 - 2000 lph pump into the tank and will slowly eliminate the possibilities - water change done 2 weeks ago all equipment functioning great... crabs have been there for a long while so I doubt it will be the cause... more than likely competing corals....


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