Monday, July 26, 2010

Aquarium Designs and various things

So I was doing some research for a client and came across the following really interesting aquariums:

I feel in Australia we don't have a massive range of new products available especially when it comes to types of tank designs. You can get these tanks in Australia for a pretty big fee probably over $10,000 with delivery but, it is all inclusive. I can say that the equipment used in the set-up is top quality eheim etc and there seems to be a load of information on how to look after the aquarium.

Its designed for freshwater set-ups for fish which don't grow very large and yes it can be used for saltwater tanks however, they recommend only experienced aquarists try doing that. I can't image that it would be an easy task setting up a FOWLER or reef tank in one of these tanks but, it probably would look spectacular...

Ohh and this guy designs some awesome fish bowls however, sadly I don't think they are available to purchase - check it out -

Also, I found the following article - so they insert bits of DNA into unhatched fish eggs modifying the fishes current DNA code causing them to glow - I do believe bio-luminescence is already found in some fish species - not sure how popular they would be? But in some ways i guess they are cool or at least the science behind it all is.



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