Monday, May 3, 2010

Here fishy fishy

Just a couple of pictures of the 4X2X2 salt-water fish tank. The coralline algae are starting to grow all over the rocks and, even though the tank is bare in terms of corals I think this tank looks awesome.

So basically all water changes are done using pre-bought ocean water which has a constant salinity of 1.022/1.023. Interestingly enough water is only changed once a month however, this tank has been going for about 2/3 years so it has established quite a good bacterial colony in the filter media.

Mod's done to the filter include - removal of all plastic bio-balls (waste collectors and nitrate my opinion). Addition of matrix filtration - repaired protein skimmer which works a charm. The filter itself has quite a deep layer of course coral sand - probably a good nitrate reductor.

Tropic Marin trace elements added once weekly and fish fed 3-4 times week with spectrum, brine shrimp and algae wafers.

Here is some pictures:

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